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sugarcoat it

sugarcoat it

Date: Feb 10 2011


1. Quote - Listen to the quote and guess what the slang means.

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“I think the film is romantic because it’s honest about love and doesn’t sugarcoat it.”

- Actor Ryan Gosling talking about his new film, Blue Valentine. (Us Weekly)


1. Definition - Study the definition.

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make something seem more pleasant than it really is

2. Use - Learn how the slang is used.

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Almost anything tastes good dipped in chocolate, right? That’s the idea behind the expression sugarcoat it. When you sugarcoat something, you make something seem more appealing than it really is. You can even try to make bad news seem good by covering it with a sweet candy layer of deception. It’s like when you were little, and your dad told you that your dog went to live on a farm, but it really went…well, we don’t need to go into that right now.

Ryan Gosling is in a new movie called Blue Valentine that depicts the beginning and the end of a relationship. Most people agree that the movie is pretty depressing, because it shows how two people can start out being completely in love and end up basically hating each other. But Gosling thinks that Blue Valentine is romantic, because it doesn’t tell any lies about love. It doesn’t try to sugarcoat it by pretending that sometimes, love hurts.

Although the expression sugarcoat it may sound pretty sweet, it’s actually somewhat negative. That’s because when you sugarcoat something, you’re less than honest about it. It’s usually better to tell the truth, no matter how bitter it may be.

Do you usually try to sugarcoat bad news? Do you prefer people to be honest with you if they have something bad to tell you, or would you rather they sugarcoat it?


1. Examples - Hear some example sentences.

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“If you’re going to break up with Taylor, don’t sugarcoat it. Just be honest.”

“My dad always tries to sugarcoat bad news and put a positive spin on it.”

“Martin never sugarcoats anything. He’s a realist.”


1. Winners - See who guessed the slang definition correctly.

rula1 make something look pleasant while it is not
by rula1
to make something sounds better than it really is.
by Bitten by an Arab bug
Sugarcoat is to make something Superficially attractive or palatable
by Michael Hot
bulenka To sugarcoat is to tell about something or somebody better then it's in real life. If you wear rose-coloured glasses and see world through rose-coloured glasses you sugarcoat the world :)
by bulenka
make sth more attractive and acceptable than it really is
by shenyuchen723
ЈǾôĐ I'm thinking that when someone says "I don't sugar coat it", it means that they speak their mind and don't care what people think. good luck 4 all..
by ЈǾôĐ

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jerry bourne


in chinese we say it糖衣炮弹

12:51 AM Mar 24 2011 |




When I have something bad which I have to tell my parents, I would try to sugarcoat it, because I don't want my parents to be tensed.

But on the other hand, I would prefer the others not to sugarcoat any bad news when they tell me something bad…Because I always hope I can help the others. If they sugarcoat it, I might won't realize how bad the thing is really.

01:54 AM Feb 13 2011 |



you don't have to go super listen. Just use the google translator 

11:38 PM Feb 10 2011 |



Russian Federation

I guess sometimes it's acceptable to sugarcoat some bad news. For example it can be better not to say the truth to your child about the death of a dog or a cat at least not the whole truth. 

07:29 PM Feb 10 2011 |




that´s real life , isn´t it?????

07:18 PM Feb 10 2011 |


Russian Federation

I think, respect implies honesty and it would better show both the negative side and the positive one of bad news if it is possible, but to not sugarcoat them. The same treatment I expect to me.

04:45 PM Feb 10 2011 |




how to say. i think that sugarcoat something is also a kind of way to issue problem for unhurting someone. it's called 善意的谎言 in chinese.

02:10 PM Feb 10 2011 |



i didnt like this lesson ….......

12:28 PM Feb 10 2011 |




To sugarcoat seems to be a kind of makeup, to try to hide the true. But… For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth (2 Cor 13:8). Because the true never make us ashame.
May God bless us all.

10:31 AM Feb 10 2011 |




I prefer people be honest with me when they have something bad to tell me , because that not eveybody can sugracoat it , sometime they try to sugracoat it but actually they make it worst ,

08:27 AM Feb 10 2011 |





06:46 AM Feb 10 2011 |





06:46 AM Feb 10 2011 |

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