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Life Talk!

god bless America



Nice to see that not all muslims think America is the "great satan"

A very interesting point of view from an Iraqi minister, especially his views about the state of modern islam. 


10:48 AM Mar 16 2008 |

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KANA: ‘take THEM, or U get nothing from us!’. THEM means if we don’t agree with their ‘term&condition’, we won’t get aid or anything from USA. GKISSEBERTH: Don’t U see different between public area and private area? It’s not meant to person per person! And that’s not only for aid, but also investment.

02:21 PM Mar 17 2008 |




Bytheway REDWANA, Thanks, U give more information about what happened in Iraq! That’s one of the most & worst violances ! I hope KANA and GKISSEBERTH can open their eyes and heart! (except MARKCHINA) all is true, not just fiction! And Where are their comments about it? Can U give us the best arquments that’s untrue story? If they still don’t give us best arqument, I think REDWANA succeed to shut up their mouths!

02:33 PM Mar 17 2008 |




America (E.E.U.U) , a country who open his amrs to others. Is one of some places who give cithizen with all or almost the same rights, i have some differences about some subjets, but i have my gratitude, because so many coutries are hellping from USA, so many people who has catastrophes, burns, ..need many money , many life were transformed thankz to lovely USA cithizen and ofcourse thankz to others countries too. 

07:19 PM Mar 17 2008 |




I think the USA  are digging there own grave by helping some hateful regimes in the middle east!

07:31 PM Mar 17 2008 |




Dear, the answer for your question is: they don’t have answer ! And I know, in the depth of their heart they know what the true condition in Iraq is! But they can’t say anything.

09:22 AM Mar 18 2008 |



Saudi Arabia


as pop said  ,

they do not want to answer

they ignore every thing 

 also they does not want to show any sympathy

no  good word  have ritten by  them for such a bad pics .

11:39 AM Mar 18 2008 |



Russian Federation

to Redwana..

Iraq is the country #2 of oil proved reserves…thats all. The oil is priceless. But US and UK goverment discuss about democracy (old "tool" for occupation), terrorism (new "tool" occupation), Osama (best friend of CIA guys))))

Iraq..democracy. Demcorcay is the freedom in choosing, free will…Sadam was the choose of Iraq nation thats all. And never mind in what way – its the problem of Iraq nation. But USA and UK think in another way – they want to be like a "freedom prvider for happines" – in fact for death…

They want to be a rich..they want to be a "gold beillion" and never mind how many people in Iraq or Afganistan or in next country for "freedom providing"died..and never mind that owning to USA and UK the development of the nation stopped for many years…like with Serbia..

06:15 PM Mar 18 2008 |



Russian Federation

to Kana..Kana, of course Russia in gold billion too))))

06:30 PM Mar 18 2008 |




KANA:...Sorry..I forgot we live in different time zone! I think U open Ebaby 24 hours??Laughing

But See..Now U forgot Redwana's question? OK Redwana..please tell  them again about it  in detail...... (I guess it will make MarkChina feel bored and nauseous! Sealed)

03:29 AM Mar 19 2008 |




See…U 're getting bored and nauseous..Brilliant MAN (happy …hm ?Undecided )

05:16 AM Mar 19 2008 |