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"My Sweet Blog"




October 25, 2008


Don't listen to the "can'ters"who say a thing can't be done.It just may be they can't do it,not you. With their brains in negative gear,we shouldn't expect them to do it. When a person says"I can't," he bids himself to stand still while success moves on and leaves him behind.

The Moving Finger of History records successes and failures, and in writing them it separates the "I caners"from the "I can'ters." And all the tears of unaccomplishment won't wash out one word, but a change of mind---"I can"---can alter the future. Having broken the iron shackles of laziness and fear, there is the precious freedom to perform, to attain. You can!

It is now almost my sole rule of life to clear myself of can'ts and formulas.

                     --------------THOMAS CARLYLE-------------

Jesus said unto him,If thou canst believe,all things are possible to him that believeth.

                                   --------MARK  9:23----------

March 1, 2008

There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving,and that's your own self. So you have to begin there,not outside,not on other people. That comes afterwards, when you have worked on your own corner.                                

                                                          ---- Aldous Huxley ----

Five years from now you will be pretty much the same as you are today except for two things:the books you read and the people you get close to.                                          

                                                            ----Charles Jones ----

Three things will make life worth living:a self fit to live with;a faith fit to live by;and a purpose fit to live for.                                                  

                                                               ---- Anonymous ----

The words above chose from the book ~"From The Heart Of A Friend "~

10:47 AM Sep 09 2012


MasbararSuper Member!

When I think the difference every 5 years,it's true that the books which I read and the people close to me changed.But my closest friends remain always the same.They are always with me and I hope that it doesn't change.We have some new friends,but they come and go after.I think the friendship coming from childhood is so strong.When we are big,we become more sensitive and we can be angry faster and we are stronger than our childhood.

01:12 PM Mar 01 2008


shining hearts..

February 26, 2008

I miss my childhood,I remember when I was a little girl I lived in a beautiful village in the country with my parents. My family was not a wealthy one in the village then,but we had some of the  harvest that  because of the  effort we've ever made in our life.Our house had a bamboo fence,we fed ducks ,chicken,rabbits and some goats in the yard, we also planted some fruits in it,my parents never bought any seed from the market,every time after we ate the fruits we let the seeds fell into the soil,then after weeks the sprouts grew up from the soil,so we had the big trees in the yard,very naturally.I often played "hide and seek"with the children in the neighborhood at the village. After I came back home from school,the first thing I usually did was to feed the goats with some grass,I was a seven- year-old girl then,after that my parents moved to another new house and they quit feeding livestock anymore.

Day after day I grew  up,I realized my parents spent almost their time to raise the family so hardly,because my family was not so wealthy when I was in my little young age,and they took almost their whole life to breed us -six children including me,all my sisters and brothers' age are so close to mine,so my parents must take  lots of their energy and time to raise and take care of us.

This is my family and I love my parents very deeply,especially my father,he took almost all his life to take care and raise us in this large family,thankful God,I have such a kindness father and mother, and now I am an adult,it's really different from that when I was a young little girl,I need to learn how to make living by myself and also need to learn how to protect me myself from the outside world.