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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

May 12, 2008


         Give All to Love




    GIVE all to love;
    Obey thy heart;
    Friends, kindred, days,
    Estate, good-fame,
    Plans, credit, and the Muse,--
    Nothing refuse.


    'Tis a brave master;
    Let it have scope:
    Follow it utterly,
    Hope beyond hope:
    High and more high
    It dives into noon,
    With wing unspent,
    Untold intent;
    But it is a God,
    Knows its own path
    And the outlets of the sky.


    It was never for the mean;
    It requireth courage stout.
    Souls above doubt,
    Valor unbending,
    It will reward,--
    They shall return
    More than they were,
    And ever ascending.


    Leave all for love;
    Yet, hear me, yet,
    One word more thy heart behoved,
    One pulse more of firm endeavor,--
    Keep thee to-day,
    To-morrow, forever,
    Free as an Arab
    Of thy beloved.


    Cling with life to the maid;
    But when the surprise,
    First vague shadow of surmise
    Flits across her bosom young,
    Of a joy apart from thee,
    Free be she, fancy-free;
    Nor thou detain her vesture's hem,
    Nor the palest rose she flung
    From her summer diadem.


    Though thou loved her as thyself,
    As a self of purer clay,
    Though her parting dims the day,
    Stealing grace from all alive;
    Heartily know,
    When half-gods go,
    The gods survive.


May 8, 2008


A voice said, Look me in the stars


And tell me truly, men of earth,


 If all the soul-and-body scars


Were not too much to pay for birth.

May 4, 2008



PROUD of my broken heart since thou didst break it,
  Proud of the pain I did not feel till thee,
Proud of my night since thou with moons dost slake it,

  Not to partake thy passion, my humility.


MY worthiness is all my doubt,
  His merit all my fear,
Contrasting which, my qualities
  Do lowlier appear;
Lest I should insufficient prove        
  For his beloved need,
The chiefest apprehension
  Within my loving creed.
So I, the undivine abode
  Of his elect content,      
Conform my soul as ’t were a church

  Unto her sacrament.


LOVE is anterior to life,
  Posterior to death,
Initial of creation, and
  The exponent of breath