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baidehi bose


June 13, 2010

What will you feel if u once comes to now that you are not the own child of your parents? What will do you do after knowing that you are not their own child? How will you react to this? Have you ever feel the depth of darkness which you see when you closed your eyes? Its just like that. Just look around your sides and all the doors of life will seem to be closed to you AND there our liFe meets with the actual challenge that how could we recover it and how to live happily. Its very easy to say that life is a challenge so accept it but very tough job to do. Here the real test of life comes. So please share your feelings here with me that how will u feel for this and what will you do. Thank you.

02:00 AM Jun 14 2010

Amar pandey

Having Indian Social mindset you never cope with this. And It would be difficult for you to get what you deserve ( love and respect of people). However, If there is influenced of western culture over you then there is no problem.

01:12 PM Jun 13 2010



i think u are talking about urself telling ur own story am i right?

it is obviously a big shocker i hope u would feel better so soon i am not in a position to tell u how to feel or it is something u should use to live with i can only try to imagine how hard it must be =(

but u know noparents have chance to choose their child or they dont even choose to be parents they accept it when it happens but ur parents are diffirent they had that chance to make choise and they choosed to be ur parents not because they have to be cus of nature rules etc only because they knew u were special and they want u to be their family they choose tolove u u should try to think this way 

sorry my english is not perfect i can put my feelings into words perfectly ;P

but i hope u will be  alright soon

best wishes 


June 5, 2010

A simple good morning wish says that i am thinking about u from the beginning of a day. It also carries feelings like someone is missing his /her or he/ she is very closed to heart of that person.


June 5, 2010

Beauty is to see not to touch and if u touch then it losts its freshness. Some beauties cannot be described in words, its for to feel.

10:16 PM Jun 05 2010



so truth ;) I ve noticed this when I got interested into photography ;)