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A responce to "what's up"




This time, I'd like to ask you if it's OK to say "I'm good" for an answer to "what's up?".

Usually, for "what's up? or "what's new?", you say "not much" or what you are/have been actually doing.

However, taking into consideration that "What's up?" is a greeting, I thought it might be possible to respond "I'm good". How do you think? 


03:40 PM Jan 15 2009 |

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Teacher AmySuper Member!

United States

Hi! I think it might sound a bit strange to say "I'm good" in response to "What's up?" "Not much" is usually the best reply. Sometimes people say "What's up" back, when it's used as more of a greeting, especially if it's said in passing. In that case it isn't really a question, it's more like saying hello. So you don't need to offer an answer. 


09:28 PM Jan 15 2009 |